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Lupus and Hair Loss: Everything You Should Know

Lupus is an autoimmune illness characterized by tiredness, joint discomfort, stiffness, and a butterfly-shaped rash on the face. In addition, some lupus patients develop hair loss. Losing your hair might be upsetting, but there are methods to deal with it. What you should know about lupus hair loss.

What causes lupus-related hair loss?

Lupus does not always cause hair loss. However, many people who suffer from this ailment observe progressive thinning or breaks along their hairline. Sometimes the hair regrows, sometimes it does not.

There are several causes of hair loss.


According to studies, there are two forms of hair loss associated with lupus: scarring and non-scarring. Inflammation causes non-scarring hair loss. Inflammation, a defining sign of lupus, is frequently extensive. Hair loss can occur when it forms around the scalp and hair follicles.

It is crucial to highlight that lupus-related inflammation does not just impact scalp hair. It can also result in the loss of brows, beards, and eyelashes. Hair loss caused by inflammation may be reversible, but only if the lupus is properly treated and the disease enters remission.

Discoid lesions/sores

Lupus can create discoid sores or lesions. These lesions, which can appear anywhere on the body, might result in lifelong scarring. Hair follicles are frequently damaged by lesions that develop and leave scars on the scalp, resulting in permanent hair loss.


Hair loss can sometimes occur as a side effect of lupus medicines. You may also be prescribed an immunosuppressive medication. These medications operate by lowering your immune system and assisting you in achieving remission.

What are the signs and symptoms of lupus-related hair loss?

Lupus does not usually cause hair loss. When it happens, though, the number of lost hair increases.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, it is typical to shed up to 100 hairs every day (AAD). However, depending on the severity of the condition, persons with lupus may lose more than this amount. If you have lupus, you may notice hair loss when washing or combing your hair.

Some people may just suffer slight thinning or breaking around their hairline, but others may lose clumps of hair. Hair loss can be extensive or restricted to a specific area of the head.

Trusted Source looked studied non-scarring hair loss in four women with systemic lupus erythematosus and discovered that the degree of hair loss varied. The ladies lost anything from 55% to 100% of their hair. A higher size investigation is required to discover patterns more precisely.

Consult your doctor if you are experiencing hair loss or thinning. Hair loss is sometimes one of the earliest signs of lupus.

What are your treatment options?

If you do not have discoid lesions, your lupus hair loss may be reversible. However, hair loss can only be reversed if the illness is controlled. To minimize lupus flares, your doctor may give an antimalarial medicine in addition to a corticosteroid and an immunosuppressant.

Biologics, which are injectable medications that can help ease lupus symptoms, may also be given to you. Take your prescription exactly as prescribed by your doctor. Lupus might take weeks or months to go into remission. Meanwhile, here are some coping strategies for hair loss:

Avoid excessive sun exposure

Lupus flares and discoid lesions can be triggered by the sun. When you’re outside, keep your skin and head protected. Put on a cap and sunscreen.

Alter your medicine. If you suspect your medicine is causing hair loss, consult your doctor about alternate medications or lowering your dosage.

Maintain a nutritious diet

A diet high in fruits and vegetables may also help to prevent hair loss. In addition, see your doctor about vitamins and supplements that can help strengthen your hair and prevent hair loss. Biotin, vitamin C, vitamin D, iron, and zinc are all vitamins for hair development.

Reduce your tension

Certain causes might cause a lupus flare and exacerbate hair loss. Lupus is known to be triggered by stress. Exercise and meditation can help you relieve stress. These 10 stress-relieving activities may also be beneficial.

Get enough rest

  • Sleep for eight to nine hours every night.
  • Recognize that lupus hair loss is not always prevented. Even so, practising a few hair care habits may help you lose less hair.
  • Sleep on a satin pillowcase to keep your hair from breaking.
  • Keep your strands hydrated. Hair that is dry and brittle might break off, resulting in thinning or weak strands. Try these dry hair home treatments.
  • Avoid severe hair care procedures, such as coloring and heat, until the illness is under control. You should also avoid brushing often and using tight rollers.
  • Experiment with wigs or trim your hair into a shorter style until your hair loss stops or reverses itself. Discuss your alternatives with your doctor if you experience permanent hair loss due to scars.
  • Avoid taking over-the-counter hair growth products (such as Rogaine) without first consulting your doctor. These drugs are used to treat a specific form of hair loss.

The Bottom Line

The prognosis for lupus hair loss is determined by the underlying etiology. When hair loss is caused by inflammation or medication, there is a chance that it will regrow after your condition improves.

Hair loss, on the other hand, maybe permanent if lesions grow on your scalp and damage your hair follicles.

Seek medical advice if you have any queries concerning lupus or hair loss. Your doctor can advise you on how to reverse hair loss as well as how to restore healthy hair through nutrition, prescription changes, or aesthetic surgeries.